Windowsill Basil

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Just bought my third (fourth?) basil plant. Why are they so difficult to keep alive? I always feel like they're a good investment since a packet of store bought basil is not only as expensive as the entire plant but lasts a few seconds in the fridge. So this year, I've decided to finally learn how to make my basil plant grow on the windowsill. Let's be real, I'm not expecting some flourishing basil growing bizniz, just a little chiffon to throw on some of my food experiments every now and then. Some tips I found online that don't seem horribly inconvenient:
1) Keep plant in direct sunlight, at least 6 hours a day.
2) Keep the soil moist but well drained
3) Cut the leaves off the top of the basil stalk for cooking. Also encourages branching
4) Pinch off the little white flowers that grow

I'm rather ambivalent about buying fertilizer, a new pot and soil and all that. I'd rather just keep buying new basil plants. 
Wish me luck.